limit size of worksheet



I have created a doc in excel, but I don't want users to be able to scroll
down through the hundereds of empty cells below my two pages. Or scroll right
across the hundreds of empty cells.

Can I restrict the size of a work shhet to prevent this scrolling?



-----Original Message-----
I have created a doc in excel, but I don't want users to be able to scroll
down through the hundereds of empty cells below my two pages. Or scroll right
across the hundreds of empty cells.

Can I restrict the size of a work shhet to prevent this scrolling?

You can use code Worksheets(name of sheet).ScrollArea =

Try this code Worksheets(name of sheet).ScrollArea = ""


abfabrob said:
I have created a doc in excel, but I don't want users to be able to scroll
down through the hundereds of empty cells below my two pages. Or scroll
across the hundreds of empty cells.

Can I restrict the size of a work shhet to prevent this scrolling?


All you have to do is select the colums you want hidden and then select
format -> colum -> and hide ... then repeat for rows.. if you accidently
mess it up you can undo also. If you wish you can further protect it by
selecting cells to be protected then format -> cells tab, tick
both boxes then return to Tools -> protection -> protect each
option and then choose a password.


Thank you!

Spider said:
All you have to do is select the colums you want hidden and then select
format -> colum -> and hide ... then repeat for rows.. if you accidently
mess it up you can undo also. If you wish you can further protect it by
selecting cells to be protected then format -> cells tab, tick
both boxes then return to Tools -> protection -> protect each
option and then choose a password.

Gord Dibben

Note: Setting ScrollArea is good for that session only and only the
activesheet. Has to be reset next time workbook is opened.

Best to place the code into a WorkBook_Open Sub in ThisWorkbook module and
specify which worksheet.

Private Sub WorkBook_Open()
Sheets("YourSheet").ScrollArea = "A1:M36"
End Sub

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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