Like FindFirst Syntax



Need help with the correct syntax for using "Like with FindFirst"

My current code

With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "CompanyName = '" & MyName & "'"

Like ??

Tim Ferguson

Need help with the correct syntax for using "Like with FindFirst"

My current code

With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "CompanyName = '" & MyName & "'"

Like ??

jetCriterion = "CompanyName LIKE """ & userInput & """"

rst.FindFirst jetCriterion
If Not rst.NoMatch Then
' ... etc


Tim F


Hi Tim

I am getting an error "Object required"
This is my code:
With Me.RecordsetClone

MyString = "CompanyName LIKE """ & MyName & """"
rst.FindFirst MyString
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Company Name Not Found"
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With

Tim Ferguson

I am getting an error "Object required"
This is my code:

Check your references: you may be using the ADO library, which is the
default from Access 2000 upwards, rather than DAO which is better<grin>.
The point is that an ADODB.Recordset does not have the .FindFirst and
..NoMatch methods -- it has the .Find method instead, but I don't know a
lot about it because I always do filtering and finding on the server
rather than in memory.

You could either: add a reference to Data Access Objects 3.61, and
declare your recordset object unambiguously vis:

Dim rst AS DAO.Recordset

' ...

Set rst = me.RecordsetClone ' could be ado or dao unless you specify
rst.FindFirst etc

or else you can do the whole thing in ADO

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

' ...

Set rst = Me.RecordSetClone
rst.Find etc, etc. ' look up help for using the ADODB .Find method

Hope that helps

Tim F


Thanks Tim

Your last post corrected the "object required" error.
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone

But for the record the "Like" syntax was not totally correct.
It was missing "*"

The correct syntax
Should be

jetCriterion = "CompanyName LIKE """ & MyName & "*"""
rst.FindFirst jetCriterion

For anyone that is checking this post for future reference.

Thanks again.


Tim Ferguson

But for the record the "Like" syntax was not totally correct.
It was missing "*"

For anyone that is checking this post for future reference.
People checking in the future may want to know how to find a field ending
with the given text:

"... LIKE ""*" & userInput & """ ..."

or text containing the given text anywhere

"... LIKE ""*" & userInput & "*"" ..."

and don't forget that the wildcards and delimiters are different in ADO
and any other ISO dialect of SQL:

"... LIKE '%" & userInput & "%' ..."

etc etc. I also did not include any code looking for embedded quote
marks. And I did not include any code to test the userInput for malicious
attacks. It would not be good to allow someone to put something like this

Eric' GO DROP TABLE Products GO //

without parsing it first.

All the best

Tim F

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