"like" and "not like" comparison



I want to search a list of names, and I want to exclude any names like like
"NY." I know how to do this include names like "NY", but can't find any help
on "not like" expression. Thanks for your help.

Function NYTest(abc)
If abc = "NY" Then
NYTest = "NY"
Else: NYTest = "UNK"
End If

End Function

Dirk Goldgar

Henry said:
I want to search a list of names, and I want to exclude any names like like
"NY." I know how to do this include names like "NY", but can't find any
on "not like" expression. Thanks for your help.

Function NYTest(abc)
If abc = "NY" Then
NYTest = "NY"
Else: NYTest = "UNK"
End If

End Function

I'm not sure I understand you, because the code snippet you posted doesn't
use the Like operator at all. However, in principle you can use tests like

Test for "like":

If abc Like "*NY*" Then
' abc contains the string "NY"
End If

Test for "not like":

If Not (abc Like "*NY*") Then
' abc does not contain the string "NY"
End If

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