Less than/ Greater than logic flipped.



060327: Less than/ Greater than logic flipped. thanks in advance. hope not
too much detail,
---------------- original info:
Hi, don't know what is wrong, small question?? ugh
have equations involved, but simple version also shows as in same cell:

170<186,000 comes up TRUE

but when have in separate cells: 170 in U14 & 186000 in U15
=U14<U15 comes up FALSE

=U14>U15 comes up TRUE cannot figure out problem

(right click all cells format: number, same each / paste formats over each
other, no change...)
for PROCEDURE: (result is either formula works without proc, or cond.
formatting works with formula, and cond. formatting does not)

Select empty cell. Make sure cell not preformatted (no what?),
and format is default GENERAL.
Goto Edit>Copy, select destination cell; Edit>Paste Special>Add

(is proc good?) DOES PREFORMATTING / DEFAULT FORMATTING Include hi-liting
whole column? Does that Negate any signle cell changes to default to what
column is??

what is the add doing (addition?)
if that is for formatting.. how should I set up my equation, in the first
example here, don't worry about what is doing besides converting to a format
to read either: "0.00" or "#,##0"

is there a way to get those choices, without having cell treated as text?
as it stands, doing PROCEDURE the top line below (IF(OR etc true, then ""
nothing, does not function), but peculiar: adds to equation =(IF.... )+0

OTHERWISE: formula works, but cond. formatting does not recognize as
numbers?? Would that be the answer: to get cond. format to have isnumber(
added? (could not get that to work)

(merely chooses between >1000, and output to show as 1k= 1.0)





Hi, would seem I didn't include enough info.. previous question/ reponse was
advised maybe: istex() isnumber(), but seems value() is doing the trick..
thanks for the help..


at first glance things seem to be working, thank you!!
had tried: istext() isnumber(), but value() seems to do the trick.

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