Legacy Connection Object - I need a new one



My question: "What is the correct connection object to use in VS 2005 for a
text connection?" will need some background. I am placing code at the end
showing how I am reading data from a text file (comma delimited) into a
dataset. My problem is that the connection object I have used in the past
seems to be outdated:
[JET oledb 4.0 with the following modifications to the connection object:
Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=96;Extended
Properties="Text;HDR=YES;Data Source=C:\vb6\myfile.txt;Jet OLEDB:Database
Locking Mode=0...]
I want to use the System.Data.SQLClient exclusively without any OLE objects
but cannot find the required connection object that will allow me to write
back to the text file. Perhaps it isn't doable. Code to create dataset=>
Public Function FlatFileDataSource(ByVal sFile As String) As DataTable
'grabs flat file and places into dataset
Dim SR As StreamReader
Dim ReadBeginToEnd As String

Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim Rowz As Array
Dim row As DataRow

Dim bFirstlineHeader As Boolean
Dim S As String
Dim sTerminator As String = vbNullString
Dim s As String

SR = New StreamReader(sFile)
ReadBeginToEnd = SR.ReadToEnd

Rowz = Split(ReadBeginToEnd, vbNewLine)

s = Rowz(0)
Dim sArr As Array = Split(s, ",", -1)

For Each s In sArr
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn(s))

For Each S In Rowz
If Not bFirstlineHeader Then
bFirstlineHeader = True
row = dt.NewRow
sTerminator = Replace(S, vbNewLine, "")
row.ItemArray = Split(sTerminator, ",", -1)
End If
FlatFileDataSource = dt
End Function
Incidentally - I accidently posted this in a VB forum. I didn't realize
there was a difference between VB and VB.NET. Apology here for any confusion
I have caused.

Larry Lard

thejamie said:
My question: "What is the correct connection object to use in VS 2005 for a
text connection?" will need some background. I am placing code at the end
showing how I am reading data from a text file (comma delimited) into a
dataset. My problem is that the connection object I have used in the past
seems to be outdated:
[JET oledb 4.0 with the following modifications to the connection object:
Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=96;Extended
Properties="Text;HDR=YES;Data Source=C:\vb6\myfile.txt;Jet OLEDB:Database
Locking Mode=0...]
I want to use the System.Data.SQLClient

That's (only) for talking to Microsoft SQL Server. OleDbClient is for
talking to everything else. <http://www.connectionstring.com> suggets
this for an OLE DB connection to a text file:


"HDR=Yes;" indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not

so I'd suggest that what you have at the moment is fine.



Thanks. I should have realized that. My focus was on keeping code clean
and not whether it was practical. Incidentally, the link you gave me for
connection strings is horribly commercial. Carl Prothman's seems better to
me, at least.


Larry Lard said:
My question: "What is the correct connection object to use in VS 2005 for a
text connection?" will need some background. I am placing code at the end
showing how I am reading data from a text file (comma delimited) into a
dataset. My problem is that the connection object I have used in the past
seems to be outdated:
[JET oledb 4.0 with the following modifications to the connection object:
Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=96;Extended
Properties="Text;HDR=YES;Data Source=C:\vb6\myfile.txt;Jet OLEDB:Database
Locking Mode=0...]
I want to use the System.Data.SQLClient

That's (only) for talking to Microsoft SQL Server. OleDbClient is for
talking to everything else. <http://www.connectionstring.com> suggets
this for an OLE DB connection to a text file:


"HDR=Yes;" indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not

so I'd suggest that what you have at the moment is fine.

Larry Lard

thejamie said:

Thanks. I should have realized that. My focus was on keeping code clean
and not whether it was practical. Incidentally, the link you gave me for
connection strings is horribly commercial. Carl Prothman's seems better to
me, at least.

Thanks, I must already owe Carl Prothman about ten drinks from back in
the ADO days, so another won't hurt :)

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