Learning VBA for use in PPT XP


Lloyd Lindsay

Where can I learn how to use VBA commands for PPT XP?

Where can I get a list of the VBA program commands that will work in
PPT XP running in Windows 98 SE, and Windows XP?

Simple text documents, tutorials, and books would be nice.


David M. Marcovitz

You might be interested in my book: Powerful PowerPoint for Educators,
which is due to be released any day and can be found on Amazon.com or
bn.com. It gives information about using PowerPoint and VBA as an
authoring tool to create interactive presentations. It is geared toward
teachers with limited programming background. You can look for
information about it at:


or do a search on any bookseller's Web site.


David M. Marcovitz

Thanks for the better link. Actually both links work, but mine got
screwed up by the wrapping, so you can't click on it. --David

Lloyd Lindsay

Thanks for the help.

The Marcovitz book may be what I'm looking for. Will the book be
available in bookstores?

David M. Marcovitz

You can certainly go to your local bookstore and order it, but I doubt
that you will find it on the bookstore shelves unless you make a special

Shyam Pillai

Hello David,
Is this book a published version of the e-book/PDF that was originally
available on your site?

David M. Marcovitz

Yes, it is an expanded and published version. The ebook (PDF file) on my
site was about 70 pages. The published book has over 200 pages. The book
is being published by Libraries Unlimited. This is my first book,and I am
very excited about it. I am also working on a companion Web site for the
book because the publisher did not include a CD with the book.

Bobby T.

Keep us posted on when your "companion" web site is up. I for one plan on
purchasing your book. I'm guessing that if it is targeted for educators
that anyone should be able to understand it (ha)!

David M. Marcovitz

Thanks. I'm hoping that the book is accessible to anyone. Just keep in
mind that most of the examples are geared to teachers and classroom uses.
The companion web site is now up in an incomplete state:


I already have a few examples there in the "Examples from Real People"
section, and all the examples from Chapter 5 are there in the "Examples
by Chapter" section. I hope to get more examples up every day.


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