Learning C#


Martin Racette


I'm trying to learn C# using the expres 2008 version, but I would like to
find a book to learn it

Any suggestion ?

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Martin Racette said:
I'm trying to learn C# using the expres 2008 version, but I would like to
find a book to learn it

Any suggestion ?

What sort of experience do you already have? This will affect the
recommendations significantly.

Martin Racette

I'm starting with programmation, but I do have basic understanding about
array and thing like that, but I just do not know how to access them in C#

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

I'm starting with programmation, but I do have basic understanding about
array and thing like that, but I just do not know how to access them in C#

So do you have any experience in other programming languages?

Head First C# is aimed at beginners. Its major drawback at the moment
(to my mind) is that it has quite a lot of errors. (There's an errata
list at the publisher's website, but it's not currently complete.) I
believe a lot of the problems (at least the ones I've reported :) will
be fixed in the next printing, but I don't know when that will be. If
you do get it, make sure you get the latest version that's available,
so there aren't quite as many errata to check.


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