Learn About XP



Just purchased a Dell. Has a "Learn About XP" icon
linking to a tutorial. It is automatically set to "Audio"
with both the "Text" and "Audio & Text" options grayed
out. I'm wondering how to un-gray these options and can't
get a human being from Dell to speak to me even though I'm
supposed to have support. Help is appreciated.

Will Denny


Didn't Dell supply a manual for all of it's very generous 'add-ons'? The majority of well known PC suppliers will have included such manuals. As for contacting someone from Dell, that may be dependent on which Country you are in.


I had the same problem when I bought a Dell, getting
anyone to talk to me. Dell did include some CD's which
contained some of the items; they had to be loaded in the
drive to make the item work. (Be glad you didn't buy
from Sony as I did this year, as they provide absolutely
nothing with the PC, not a manual of any kind, no program
disks, and not even a simple list of the many programs
they preloaded). You may have to purchase a book to learn
about XP, and many other programs now sold without any
written help from the big name sellers such as Microsoft,
Adobe, and all of the PC makers. Good luck with your PC.

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