Leader Lines in Excel?



Does anyone know if it is possible to create Leader Lines
in an Excel worksheet, like the way you can in Word
(using Tab Stops)??


Debra Dalgleish

It depends what you're trying to do, but some variation on the following
may help:

1. Enter a value in A2, and the other value in C2.
2. In cell B2, type the character you want as the leader, e.g. a period.
3. With B2 selected, choose Format>Cells.
4. On the Alignment tab, under Horizontal, choose Fill
5. Click OK

Gord Dibben


Assign this macro to a button. Change the dot to whatever you like.

Sub Leaders()
Selection.numberformat = "@*."
End Sub

Gord Dibben Excel MVP - XL97 SR2 & XL2002

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