LCD monitors



Why do LCD monitors typically look so much better than laptop screens?

I guess because some specific LCD monitor is better than the laptop LCD
monitor, and I guess some laptop LCD may look better than some poor desktop
LCD. And some LCD monitor may cost $3000-4000+ when some costs around

Few weeks ago I looked some some newer LCD monitors and they look real
nice those have 0.24x and 0.25mm DP which is same with my CRT monitor. So I
may buy one of those LCD with small DP to replace my CRT someday, before I
refuse to use LCD for photo retouching.


Why do LCD monitors typically look so much better than laptop screens?

Laptop displays are designed to not only run off of wall outlet
supplied current but battery power as well. In battery mode, they
must be much more efficient than a desktop monitor which would eat up
a laptop battery in a matter of minutes (if not immediately).
Therefore most laptop display properties, configurations and graphics
chips/cards have efficiency modes that dial back the capabilities by
default unless you go in and adjust them manually. However, there are
limitations to just how well it will stack up to a desktop display. A
desktop display has internal hardware to maximize its capabilities
working with the display adapter and video chipsets. The laptop
display has little in the way of internals because of its small form-
factor and the graphics chips are usually not as aggressive as the
ones onboard a desktop system.

Hope this sheds some light on the display difference :)

Sjouke Burry

Why do LCD monitors typically look so much better than laptop screens?

Because better screens sell .
People compare them to a crt, not to a laptop,
and expect (better than?) crt level of quality.


Sjouke Burry said:
Because better screens sell .
People compare them to a crt, not to a laptop,
and expect (better than?) crt level of quality.

I just stopped by a local Office Depot to look at few newer model of LCD
monitor and few seems much better than the ones I saw few years ago. Or
around 3 years ago (I am not good with time so it could be moress/less than
3 years) when my CRT broke and I needed a new monitor, and I was aiming at
the 22" Samsung (?) which was onsale for around $700. But because I often
doing photo retouching and I just can't stand the visible large screen
grids, so I ended up with a 20" CRT with 0.25mm DP.

Little over a week ago I saw Office Depot had 2-3 LCD with 0.24xmm and
0.25mm DP, and the screen grid is much smaller than the older generation I
saw some years ago. And it's much cheaper these days too, as the 22" LCD
was around $250. Also, I didn't pay any attention to the brand but the
smaller screen-grid (actually I don't know if LCD uses screen-grid like old
CRT screen or not, but bunch of visible dots on screen).

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