launching background thread in web application.



I have a component, that is used by a web application, it is invoked by
the application through reflection.

I have a static class in this componenet, from which iam launching a
thread that should run for the lifetime of that componenent.

When i try to run the code i get the JIT debugging error, and the worker
process crashes, there is not much information in the error log,
I added the ASPNEt user to the denugger group, but now the application
just loads forever,

can someone point out what should i be looking at ?

any comments or pointers would be appreciated



I have a component, that is used by a web application, it is invoked by
the application through reflection.

I have a static class in this componenet, from which iam launching a
thread that should run for the lifetime of that componenent.

When i try to run the code i get the JIT debugging error, and the worker
process crashes, there is not much information in the error log,
I added the ASPNEt user to the denugger group, but now the application
just loads forever,

Does this component invoke fine in say a VB.NET Winforms app?

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