Late Binding


Hugh Janus

The following code give me an error telling that "The targeted version
of the .NET Compact Framework does not support latebinding." I am
using VB.Net 2005. What do I need to do to fix this code because I
have not seen this before!

The 2 parts giving the error are:

- PointsSplit(PointLoop)
- PointsSplit(PointLoop + 1))

For PointLoop As Integer = 0 To PointsSplit.GetUpperBound(0) - 1

Dim DiffFound As String = FetchDBValue("Difficulty",
PointsSplit(PointLoop) & "-" & PointsSplit(PointLoop + 1))

If DiffFound > DiffToCheck Then

DiffBool = False
Exit Function

ElseIf DiffFound <= DiffToCheck Then

DiffBool = True

End If

Next PointLoop

Daniel Moth

Make sure the types that the function accepts/returns are the same as the
ones you pass in. Explcitly cast or convert them.

The very first thing to do is turn Option Strict On and keep it on.


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