Last Number in Column



Does anyone know the formula to retrive the last number in the slected area?
So Like A1:A5
It will have the number in A5.


Jacob Skaria

Please note that this is an array formula. Within the cell in edit mode (F2)
paste this formula and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to apply this formula. If
successful in 'Formula Bar' you can notice the curly braces at both ends like


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Dave Peterson

if you know that A1:A5 will have numbers in it.

will return the last number in A1:A5.

=if(count(a1:a5)=0,"no numbers",lookup(1E+100,A1:A5))
will check to see if there's at least one number in the range.

is scientific notation for a big number: 1 followed by 100 0's.

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