last non-blank column entry




I have a column with dates (B) with corresponding values in a few other
columns. The problem I have is that i search using the date as reference
while doing calculations on my corresponding values, no worries, except that
the last date entry values are calculated using info from the next date so my
values are always blank for the last date. Now I'm trying to take the average
of corresponding values for my selected date range using SUMIF/COUNT (since
there is no AVERAGEIF), but whenever a date later than the last entry is
chosen for the range my calculations are wrong because the count of dates is
one more than the count of values.

i want something like:
IF(chosen date for range >= date in last column entry,0,1)

I know there is an ISBLANK function but to work out my count i am saying
COUNT(number of dates >= first date range value) - COUNT(number of dates >
last date range value)
this work out well for me except for when the range is selected outside of
the last date. I'm not sure how i can use the ISBLANK function in this case
because the last entry is always changing as i add new dates so i con't
reference a particular cell.

sorry to make such a fuss about this small problem but at the moment I've
just run out of ideas and i couldn't find anything in previous threads.



I have found a back door solution but i would still like to know how do it
from reading the last entered value. at the moment i have made and "updated"
entry that is changed every time i add another date to the list and i am
using this fixed reference to compare my range value to.

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