Last freeware version - PrettyCode.Print 1.x ?



Zo said:
Did you even try to find it before posting? I did a Google search and
came up with this link on the very first page of the results

Direct download link:

Site link:

Excellent - thank you. I spent about 2 hours following links from
Google, only to be redirected to the new payware version on the
homesite. (I guess that might make the answer to your first question a
"yes". :)) Just for interest, what search string did you use to find
this? I tried all combinations of everything I could think up, but to no
avail, as I said.

Thanks again.


Alan said:
Excellent - thank you. I spent about 2 hours following links from
Google, only to be redirected to the new payware version on the
homesite. (I guess that might make the answer to your first question a
"yes". :)) Just for interest, what search string did you use to find
this? I tried all combinations of everything I could think up, but to
no avail, as I said.

Never mind. Not to be beaten I tried
"prettycode.print 1.60" instead of
"prettycode.print 1.6" and bingo! I found your link just where you said
it was.

I always thought of 1.6 and 1.60 as being the same... but there you go


Alan said:
Excellent - thank you. I spent about 2 hours following links from
Google, only to be redirected to the new payware version on the
homesite. (I guess that might make the answer to your first question a
"yes". :)) Just for interest, what search string did you use to find
this? I tried all combinations of everything I could think up, but to no
avail, as I said.

Thanks again.

First I just used "prettycode freeware" and when the results came back most
of them had version 1.50, and since you said you were looking for 1.6, I
decided to add a 0 after the 6 and got what you were looking for on the
second try. Sorry, but after I located it so fast, my first thought was
that you hadn't looked at all.


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