Last Day of a Week based on NOW()



Good evening all,

Just a quick question. How would I work out what all the days in a wee
are, based upon the current date.

So, have 7 cells, which would work out what their date is, based o
today. Example. Today is Thursday, 24th June.

Monday- 21/06/2004
Tuesday - 22/06/2004
Wednesday - 23/06/2004
Thursday - 24/06/2004
Friday - 25/06/2004
Saturday - 26/06/2004
Sunday - 27/06/2004

Is this actually possible? With vague thinking, I beleive it might be
but I'm not exactly sure how I'd go about working it into a formula
Maybe a helper column that would place the the current date into th
day cell. Like,

Thursdayhelper - =IF(DAY(Now())="4",=TODAY(),"")
Then have the rest of the week look into the range A1:A7 and work ou
the dates based upon which column is showing a date?

There's probably something easier than this. I just can't think o

Thanks for your help in advance,


Andy B


Try this:
=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),1)+2 for Monday
=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),1)+3 for Tuesday

If you only have seven to do, it shouldn't take too long! You could always
link it to the row number - so if Monday was in row 10 you could use:
and then AutoFill would increment it for you.

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