Large number of compiled dll's


Bogdan Nedelcu


I have some projects which have lot of aspx files. I notice that for each
file, the ASP.NET compiles one .DLL in the Temporary ASP.NET folder + 3 or
for aditional files.

I think this slows the system down.

Is there any possibility to put all these files in one DLL - like to
precompile the whole site ?


Tampa.NET Koder

Well, hopefully you are using to compile you website. If this is the
case, there is no need to worry. Now, if you remove the CodeBehind
attribute and replace it with the Src attribute, then .net will compile your
page on the first request to that page.

Bogdan Nedelcu

Sorry but I don't think I understand what you mean.

Can you detail a bit more please.

From my knowledge, VS.NET doesn't compile the ASPX pages, only the
Codebehind (.cs) files, so only the ASP.NET framework is responsible for
compiling at first request. But this is actually the problem, if the page is
compilled at request time, it will generate a dll for each aspx file.

Tampa.NET Koder

Well then, you have answered your own question. Yes you are right, at
runtime the codebehind file and the aspx file gets compile into one file.
So, if this is the way that the team designed it, are you looking
for a way to bypass this model? To be honest, compiled code will never slow
you down, its a whole lot faster and scripting as previously done with ASP.
Maybe you should try other things, like turning off default settings like
Debug="false", EnableSessionState="false", etc. Keeping these settings on if
you have no use for them does have a performance hit. Otherwise, I would
wait for someone else to reply to see if they have a solution for you.

Scott Allen

ASP.NET 1.x does try to compile all pages in a directory into a single
assembly when the first page from a directory is requested.

There are some settings that can modify this behavior:

1) In <compilation> the debug attribute is set to true.

2) In <compilation> the batchCompile attribute is set to false.

3) Pages in the directory are using different languages.

4) Pages in the directory are updated after the initial batch compile.

Probably reason #1 is why you don't have a batch compile happening.

Bogdan Nedelcu

Answer accepted ;)

Thank you very much.

Scott Allen said:
ASP.NET 1.x does try to compile all pages in a directory into a single
assembly when the first page from a directory is requested.

There are some settings that can modify this behavior:

1) In <compilation> the debug attribute is set to true.

2) In <compilation> the batchCompile attribute is set to false.

3) Pages in the directory are using different languages.

4) Pages in the directory are updated after the initial batch compile.

Probably reason #1 is why you don't have a batch compile happening.

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