Large Documents



Too late to scolld or encourage. I already have several 3000+ page documentd
in Word 2007. How can I improve their performance and integrity?

Jean-Guy Marcil

jay was telling us:
jay nous racontait que :
Too late to scolld or encourage. I already have several 3000+ page
documentd in Word 2007. How can I improve their performance and

I am afraid that you are going to have to be a little more explicit than


What's wrong with them? Do they involve Master Documents? Are they
more than just text?


Let me first explain the use. The main document is a reference only to be
used on computer, never printed. It includes text, tables, figures and
pictures. It refers to five secondary appendices of similar content but
varing sizes.

The files are a work in progress, they will grow in size and editing.

I never have used "Master Documents". Recently I tried to open the main
document to find Word telling me there was a major problem with it and Word
could not open it. I used a backup. I keeep several backup copies out of

I see two ways of going. (1) turn each chapter into its own Word file and
interconnecting them with hyperlinks or (2) use html and navigate using a


As Jean-guy said, you really do need to be more explicit. The exact
wording of the error message you receive would be helpful.

File size rather than page count is how the bigness of a document is
described. Do the elements in it come from many sources, or were they
all created at home? in Word, other Office components, or from other

But if splitting it into smaller documents is a workable option, that
would probably go a long way toward avoiding future problems. (Do NOT
try to use Master Documents. MS no longer even bothers to tell you
how, but they've never tried to fix it, either.)

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