Laptop grinding to a halt, svchost.exe very high on CPU utilisation.




I am experiencing a serious performance problem with my laptop which has the Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 1 Operating system running on it.

As soon as I logon I find I cannot do anything with the machine. When I open up Task Manager to look at the processes I find that the svchost.exe process is consuming 70-80% of the CPU. Also, the process ccSorte.exe seems to be a little high on CPU consumption as well.

As a consequence the machine is almost continuously running at 100% CPU utilisation, rendering it virtually useless. The performance problems really began when I found that I had too much software loaded on the machine and tried to remove some of them. I managed to remove most successfully, but some like the Mcfee Antivirus software were stubborn and failed to get removed completely

Another problem I am experiencing is that I cannot examine the Registry. Each time I try and open the Registry through “regedt†or “regedt32â€, I find it opens momentarily but then disappears

I have even tried downloading and installing the latest Service Pack, (ie W2K SP 4). However, when I double click on the W2K SP4 EXE file it unpacks okay but then just exits

I am at a loss as to what to do. Is there anyone out there who can suggestion anything

Just so that you are aware I am not Micosoft Windows person. I work in IT but as an Oracle DBA. However, the Oracle databases I look after run on Unix Servers, and not on Windows platforms

Many Thank


Bob I

Well, you are now faced with the prospect of removing the virus/worm
that resides on the computer.

Steve Parry

ashparm said:

I am experiencing a serious performance problem with my laptop which
has the Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 1 Operating system
running on it.

As soon as I logon I find I cannot do anything with the machine. When
I open up Task Manager to look at the processes I find that the
svchost.exe process is consuming 70-80% of the CPU. Also, the
process ccSorte.exe seems to be a little high on CPU consumption as

As a consequence the machine is almost continuously running at 100%
CPU utilisation, rendering it virtually useless. The performance
problems really began when I found that I had too much software
loaded on the machine and tried to remove some of them. I managed to
remove most successfully, but some like the Mcfee Antivirus software
were stubborn and failed to get removed completely.

Another problem I am experiencing is that I cannot examine the
Registry. Each time I try and open the Registry through "regedt" or
"regedt32", I find it opens momentarily but then disappears!

I have even tried downloading and installing the latest Service Pack,
(ie W2K SP 4). However, when I double click on the W2K SP4 EXE file
it unpacks okay but then just exits!

I am at a loss as to what to do. Is there anyone out there who can
suggestion anything?

Just so that you are aware I am not Micosoft Windows person. I work
in IT but as an Oracle DBA. However, the Oracle databases I look
after run on Unix Servers, and not on Windows platforms.

Many Thanks


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