

kenny rierson

i am a american living in Germany. I recently bought a PC
and a copy of Xp. I did not realize the Xp would be in
german and now wish make it speek english. if possible i
would like to be able to change between languages. thanks

Steve C. Ray

Sorry, you can't do it. If you want a English version of XP you will have to
buy it. Then you could do a dual boot.

Dave Starcher

Click Start, Control Panel, Regional and Language
Options. There you'll see different settings to change
the default language, the way time and decimals are
displayed, etc. Under the Languages tab, click the
Details button. Look under Installed Services. If you
don't see English (United States), click Add and select
English (US) as the Input Language and US as the Keyboard
Layout. You may need to provide your original Windows XP
disc at this point to install the additional language.
Then you should be able to switch between the input
languages by changing the default setting. Or, you can
further customize your installation by setting different
language settings for different user profiles so that the
settings are customized based on who logs in to the
machine. Hope this helps.

Dave Starcher

BTW, where do you live in Germany? I used to live in
Nurnberg. I was an Army brat and graduated High School
over there in 1988.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

You cannot upgrade or convert from one language version of the OS
to another, so you'll have to purchase and use the full version of
English WinXP to perform a clean installation.

Cannot Upgrade or Install a Different Language Version of Windows XP;en-us;282089

Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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