LAM Remote Control



Does anyone know of a freeware program that allows me to control another
computer on my lan. I would like something like radmin. I have read
the other posts realted to this but most of then require using a website
.. I would like it to just be a piece of software that is installed on
all the computers on the lan. Thanks in advance for your help.


Does anyone know of a freeware program that allows me to control another
computer on my lan. I would like something like radmin. I have read
the other posts realted to this but most of then require using a website
. I would like it to just be a piece of software that is installed on
all the computers on the lan. Thanks in advance for your help.
Remote Control Pro is a network management tool that allows the Network
Administrator to view and control remote network computers without
having to leave their own workplace. The Administrator connects to the
remote computer over the network and, having the remote computer's
desktop on the screen of their own PC, launches programs, changes
computer settings, etc. by using their own keyboard and mouse.

Features and advantages of Remote Control Pro:
- High Performance - The killing kernel mode driver technology used in
Remote Control Pro allows us to make thousands of frame-per-second
(FPS) screen updates.
- Low CPU load - We keep the target machine CPU load as low as 5-10%
because of the kernel mode driver usage and optimized compression
- Absolutely Safe Encryption - Remote Control Pro's 128-bit RC4
protocol encryption makes the program usage absolutely secure even
when used in Wide Area Networks.
- Network protocols plugins - Remote Control Pro uses a superior
network plugin system that takes the network transport layer from
the client application and allows the program to use network
protocols transparent to the client.
- Multiple client connections - With Remote Control Pro IT staff
members can jointly manage and repair problem computers since the
program allows multiple connections to the same remote PC at the
same time.

Supported Platforms: Win9x/ME/NT4/2K/XP


Does anyone know of a freeware program that allows me to control another
computer on my lan. I would like something like radmin. I have read
the other posts realted to this but most of then require using a website
. I would like it to just be a piece of software that is installed on
all the computers on the lan. Thanks in advance for your help.


Works great. Highly recommended.

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