kill formatting brought over from reports



When I export a report from various sources (crystal reports or an Access
Database that has an option to send to Excel), the worksheet format buttons
stop working, or work erratically depending on something that must be coming
over. Also, sometimes I get a sheet sent to me from someone who has done
weird formatting, and it overrides my buttons (where the $ sign button
produces some custom symbol, for example).
I can copy the detail and paste to another worksheet, where the buttons will
work, but is there a way to tell Excel to ignore this type of menu change
when it receives a spreadsheet?

Peo Sjoblom

I think you have better control if you import data to excel as opposed to
have another program export it, or export it to text or CSV then import it
to excel (haven't used crystal reports so I don't know if that's possible)


Not possible from the program, as it filteres and generates the report,
giving me the ability to show it on screen or send to excel, word, etc.
Also I can't control what other's send me, but need to fix them. In my own
companies I can tell people to format my way or else, but I can't tell
suppliers and customers, but need to work with the numbers once I have them.

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