kick users off the be




How can i kick users off my database in order to compact and repair the
be ?
Anybody knows an effective way?


I ran accross something the other day on this site for this topic. I have
not tried it and it did say try at your own risk. I copied the info but you
might want to search for "log users off" and look into the credibility of the
person (Roger's Microsoft Instructions??? or something like that was his
Quote Reply Topic: LogUsersOff.mdb (intermediate)
Posted: 01 Aug 2008 at 8:48am
This sample illustrates how to automatically log all of your users out of an
application for maintenance purposes.
There are several pieces:
1) code in the switchboard form OnTimer and OnLoad events
2) a linked table called 'Settings' with only one Yes/No field called 'Logoff'
3) frm_ExitNow modal form
4) code in frm_ExitNow OnTimer and OnLoad events
When you change the value of Logoff in the Setting table to Yes, the users
will get a message on the screen telling them that they will be logged off in
5 minutes. The Switchboard form checks this field every 5 minutes and
launches the message form. If they still have not logged off after another 5
minutes, they will be automatically logged off. It will also not allow anyone
else to log into the application until Logoff is set back to No.
This sample is based on an article by Bill Woodcock in the May 1999
Access-Office-VB Advisor.

Access 97 (23 KB): uploads/5/
Access 2000 DAO (33 KB): uploads/5/

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