keyboard shortcuts




How can I obtain progrmatically, a list with the keyboard shortcuts assigned
to menus items, commands etc in PowerPoint (like Save, Close, Cut, Copy,
Paste etc.) ?

Any help will be very appreciated.

Thanks, Calin


But I need to get programmatically which shortcut it is assigned for a
command. For example : I need the shortcut assiged for Save command or for
Copy command etc. Is it possible ?

It is strange because in Word is very easy, also in Excel (I'm not very

regards, Calin

Austin Myers


I don't believe this is available from the PPT object model. Other than
going through it manually I don't know how you would get a list. If you can
explain what you are trying to do maybe we can offer some suggestions.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia, PFCPro, PFCExpress

Steve Rindsberg


How can I obtain progrmatically, a list with the keyboard shortcuts assigned
to menus items, commands etc in PowerPoint (like Save, Close, Cut, Copy,
Paste etc.) ?

Possibly overkill, but type "Keyboard Shortcuts" into the help box.

In 2003, the first listing in the search results is the one you want.

The second, here titled "Assign or change a keyboard shortcut" is almost
totally inaccurate. Best ignored.


Thanks Austin. I was afraid of this. I searched all the properties and
methods from PPT object model in MSDN and I found nothing, but i thought
that maybe is an easy trick or something.

What I want to do, is to install a keyboard hook for the some PowerPoint
commands. Some of them can be handle in other ways because they also fires
PPT events, like Save - Ctrl+S, New - Ctrl+N, Open - Ctrl+O etc. but I don't
know how to do it in case of Copy - Ctrl+C, Cut - Ctrl+X etc. Do you have
any ideea ?

best regards, Calin

Bill Dilworth

There is already a utility to assign keyboard shortcuts. Check out this

Otherwise, you will need to hard code all the Ctl shortcuts into your app.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.


Thanks for you help, but I already saw that tool. Unfortunatelly it is not
usable in my project. I think I'll go forward by hardcoding the shortcuts,
because I don't think that are changed very often (or I hope so :))

regards, Calin

Steve Rindsberg

Thanks for you help, but I already saw that tool. Unfortunatelly it is not
usable in my project. I think I'll go forward by hardcoding the shortcuts,
because I don't think that are changed very often (or I hope so :))

Ctl+X and Ctl+C and that lot? Well, there've been no changes at least since
Windows 3.0 came out, and if memory serves, they go back a version or to before
that. I don't think you have to worry about them changing.

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