Keyboard Shortcuts for Paste Special Values and Formats




Are there keyboard shortcuts for the commands below? I use these commands
frequently so I'd like to find a way to be more efficient.

Need short-cuts for:
Paste Special --> Values
Paste Special --> Formats



there is no specific keyboard short cut for these but you can bring up the
paste special dialog box with alt+e+s
this is basicly using the menus with out the mouse.
alt give the menu bar focus. you can then use the arrow keys to "walk"
throught the menus. you can also use the first letter of each menu to
activate that menu then the first letter of each item on the menu to activate
the item.
alt+e+p activates paste
alt+e+s activate paste special dialog box. once the paste special dialog box
is activated, you can use the arrow key to "walk" through the options.


Dim syniad

You could always Ctrl+C to copy and create a record a macro for
Edit>PasteSpecial>Values and assign it to Ctrl+Z key for example. Or cut and
past the following code

Sub pastespecialvalues()
' pastespecialvalues Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+z
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

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