keyboard and mouse freeze in Word 2003



Having problems with Word 2003. When typing suddenly keyboard stops working
and mouse pointer disappears. Only solution is to re-start by pressing reset
button on processor. Anyone else experienced this problem? Supplier of PC
(which is new) says this could be a bug in Office 2003. No problems with
other office products so far but once experienced this with Explorer.

Graham Mayor

There are no bugs in Office 2003 that are likely to cause this problem, but
there are lots of things that could cause it e.g.

A conflict with the display driver
A problem with the printer driver
The Office plug-in from Norton AV
A defective memory chip
A defective processor
A defective motherboard (a defective motherboard caused no end of spurious
freezes on my old laptop)

To eliminate Word from the equation, first see then use the trouble
shooting tips at

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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Unfortunately cannot view your page about word crashes. When I click on the
link internet explorer disappears. I can view your home page and again the
link there wont work but other links do, is this a problem with my pc or your
page? I have taken my processor box back to the where I bought it and they
have checked everything and I'm told this is all ok. I will contact them
again with your list of things that could be causing the problem just to make
sure. I found typing in a table and also a text box worked ok, so then I
typed outside these and on this occasion it worked ok.


Graham Mayor

The page opens fine from here, both by clicking the link in the message, and
from the links to the Word tips from my home page.

The page on my web site merely identifies a raft of temporary files that are
orphaned when Word crashes that need to be removed. The more fundamental
issues are contained in the MVPS web page. Yet if you are having crashes
with Internet Explorer also, these tips are unlikely to be of help. I
suspect a hardware problem could be at the bottom of the problem, but the PC
supplier would be in a better position to evaluate that.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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It seems to be affecting other programmes now so is getting worse. I will go
back to my supplier again. Thank you for giving me your prompt advice.


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