Keeping web query cells attached to other data.



I am pretty sure that this is possible but can't quite figure out how to do
it and am not very literate in Excel. Here is my problem.

I am importing data using a web query and every time I update it the
information changes. For instance, this is what it looks like originally.

Duke $144.81
USC $100.31

The order of the information in the web query changes depending on the
price. So if USC's price becomes greater than Duke's the next time I update
it would look like this:

USC $147.88
Duke $144.81

This is where I run into my problem. The query uses columns A-G. I have
information that I put in in columns I-M that needs to stay attached to each
particular team. Example:

Duke $144.81 6 8
USC $100.31 5 9

When the query updates and the information changes order, I need the other
information to change order with them so that the wins and games played stay
in the same row as the team they are supposed to be with.

Somebody mentioned using the VLOOKUP formula to somehow like them together
but from what I have been reading, to use that formula you have a unique
number or name in the first column but I don't have that with the information
that the web query pulls in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Luke M

How is the Wins/Games Played linked to the query? Or do you just have it next
to the query data?

You could setup the Wins & Games played on another sheet, say in columns C &
D. Put the names of the teams in Column A. For column B, you 'could' do
something like:


Although I'm sure there's a better way of writing a formula to do that,
hopefully it gives you some ideas.


The wins and games played aren't linked to the query. I manually enter that
data and need it to be attached to the team information that refreshes in the

Don Guillett

The query fetch will probably destroy your data so you would need indirect
Put on another sheet


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