Keeping Values in Control Source



After using an expression in the "Control Source" field to perform a
calculation, is it possible to have that calculated number recorded
automatically in the Table it is linked to?

For Example:

Field 1 = Lump Sum
Field 2 = Percentage

Lump Sum = $200

Control Source for Percentage (=Lump Sum/15000)
Answer = 1.33%

This control source is no longer linked to the "Percentage" Field. Is there
a way to link this to the "Percentage" field so this calculation can be
recorded in the Table?


Recording a calculation in a field is redundant. If you have everything to
calculate the value, then you do not need to explictly store that value. You
would be much better off executing the calculation on an as-needed basis
(i.e. in a form or report).

Is there a particular reason you need to capture the result?


After using an expression in the "Control Source" field to perform a
calculation, is it possible to have that calculated number recorded
automatically in the Table it is linked to?

For Example:

Field 1 = Lump Sum
Field 2 = Percentage

Lump Sum = $200

Control Source for Percentage (=Lump Sum/15000)
Answer = 1.33%

This control source is no longer linked to the "Percentage" Field. Is there
a way to link this to the "Percentage" field so this calculation can be
recorded in the Table?

Why would you want to store the calculated percentage?
Anytime you need a calculated value, as long as you have stored the
various data needed in the calculation, calculate it.... in a query,
or directly in the control source of an unbound control (as you are
now doing). Delete [Field2] from your table.


It is more of a convenience thing. I have a section that I need to put in
for my "Lump Sum" & "Monthly" Donations and I need to do basic math to get my
total over the full year. Then I want to figure out the percentage of that
towards my budget goal.

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