Keeping value the same across worksheets



I have a worksheet of master data. I want any information in A3 to always be
in a different worksheet called phone directory. If I insert a row in master
data the cell in phone directory automatically changes to A4.
My formula is ='Master Data'!$A3. Inserting row changes to: ='Master
What am i doing wrong. I need to be able to insert names alphabetically.


I have a worksheet of master data.  I want any information in A3 to always be
in a different worksheet called phone directory.  If I insert a row in master
data the cell in phone directory automatically changes to A4.  
My formula is ='Master Data'!$A3.  Inserting row changes to:  ='Master
What am i doing wrong.  I need to be able to insert names alphabetically..  

Hello, Try this
=OFFSET('Master Data'!$A$1,2,0)

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