keeping only data in cell and not formula



hi u r help will be appreciating

if i calulate a value in particular cell with reference to other cell and
now how can i keep only calculated data n not the formula may it be in same
cell or other cell if i copy i

eg if i calculate sum of cel A1 and B1 in cell C1 i want is the c1 should
show only the value attend and not the formula viz a plain figure


Perhaps this might be of interest

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Address = Range("a1").Address _
Or Target.Address = Range("b1").Address _
Or Target.Address = Range("c1").Address Then
Range("c1").Value = Range("a1").Value + Range("b1").Value
End If
End Sub

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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