keep recursion result (a dynamic array) without using global variable



Hi there,

I write a recursive subroutine which can be called by several macros
from different modules. I want to keep a dynamic array as a result of
this recursive code. I define an array as a global variant like:
Dim result() as Variant
Redim result(1 to 5, 1 to 20)

And whenever the recursion gets a correct answer, I add it to the
array. The recursion works well when called by its own module. But when
code from other module calls it, I am confused about how to deal with
the global array? Is there any way to keep recursion results without
using global variable?

Can I use a dynamic array parameter and an integer paramter to save its
increasing size like the following?

sub myrecursion(dynArr() as variant, dynArrLen as integer)


Tom Ogilvy

you can only redim the last dimension in you want to preserve the results.

If you want to accumulate the results from many separate calls, then a
global variable/array seems like a good choice.

The alternative would be to pass the array as an argument, but then all the
calls would have to come from a the source of the array.


well, thanks. I just take the parameter way to deal with it and it
works well.

Another confusion without too much relation to the above is when I
define a function with a string parameter, can I give an elememnt from
a variant to that parameter? It seems always showing me the "ByRef
argument type mismatch" msgbox.

How do I force the element from a variant be string type?

Here is what the function seems like
sub myFunc(str as string)
end sub

and here is what I use to call myFunc
Dim path() variant
Redim path(1 to 3, 1 to 100)
Redim Preserve path(1 to 3, 1 to 20)
myFunc(path(1, 2))


Tom Ogilvy

The easiest would probably to change the declaration of myFunc to look for a

Sub MyFunc(sStr as Variant)

[ str is aVBA function, don't use it for a variable name ]

Sub Main()
Dim sStr As String

sStr = "Abcd"
res = MyFunc(sStr)
Debug.Print res
End Sub

Public Function MyFunc(v As Variant)
Debug.Print TypeName(v)
MyFunc = v & "efgh"
End Function

works. Or I could leave it the way you have it and do the conversion in the
argument list

Sub Main()
Dim sStr As Variant

sStr = "Abcd"
res = MyFunc(CStr(sStr))
Debug.Print res
End Sub

Public Function MyFunc(v As String)
Debug.Print TypeName(v)
MyFunc = v & "efgh"
End Function

I tested both approaches and they work.

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