K7S5A Bios & Samsung SW-408B



Problem 1:

XP 1800+
2 x 512mb DDR
K7S5A r.1

At the moment I cannot run at 133/133, only 100/100 (which results in my CPU
running at 1150, instead of 1500ish); the former results in a BSOD [STOP].
I've sniffed about the web, and found that this is a common problem with
this board. Some people have suggested that disabling vitual memory,
removing unneeded NICs, or flashing the BIOS with a newer verison- which
brings me to problem 2.

Problem 2:

I don't have a floppy drive.. well I do, but i don't know where it is, and I
don't have any disks anyway, so if I want to flash my BIOS i need to boot
from a CD with the bios jibberish on. As luck would have it, my CDRW
(Samsung SW-408B) has ceased to function. All the cables are connected
properly, I've tried it as Slave and Master on IDE-1 (2Hdd on IDE-0), but
any time I try to access the drive under XP, i get::

F:\ is not accessible

The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

I have tried locating new drivers for the drive, with no luck. I did manage
to find and apply new firmware, but the result is the same. I have recently
applied the new SP for windows XP, so whether thats an issue or not, i have
no idea.

Anyway, if anyone has any advice about any of these matters, please please
let me know.

Thanks in advance,



Problem 1:

XP 1800+
2 x 512mb DDR
K7S5A r.1

At the moment I cannot run at 133/133, only 100/100 (which results in my CPU
running at 1150, instead of 1500ish); the former results in a BSOD [STOP].
I've sniffed about the web, and found that this is a common problem with
this board. Some people have suggested that disabling vitual memory,
removing unneeded NICs, or flashing the BIOS with a newer verison- which
brings me to problem 2.

Problem 2:

I don't have a floppy drive.. well I do, but i don't know where it is, and I
don't have any disks anyway, so if I want to flash my BIOS i need to boot
from a CD with the bios jibberish on. As luck would have it, my CDRW
(Samsung SW-408B) has ceased to function. All the cables are connected
properly, I've tried it as Slave and Master on IDE-1 (2Hdd on IDE-0), but
any time I try to access the drive under XP, i get::

It's starting to seem that you need to fully assemble a system, that
until you do, you're going to have problems.

In this fully assembled system, you should install a different
motherboard... Some K7S5A work properly, and others don't... those
that don't, usually don't after a BIOS upgrade either. If yours also
has the potentially defective turquoise G-Luxon capacitors about the
CPU socket, it may die soon anyway... not worth the time or
frustration at this point, I recommend replacing the motherboard then
getting another floppy and CDRW drive.


Try this-remove cmos jumper and reinstall in the"clear cmos"position (follow
the manual for this) and reboot.
kony said:
Problem 1:

XP 1800+
2 x 512mb DDR
K7S5A r.1

At the moment I cannot run at 133/133, only 100/100 (which results in my CPU
running at 1150, instead of 1500ish); the former results in a BSOD [STOP].
I've sniffed about the web, and found that this is a common problem with
this board. Some people have suggested that disabling vitual memory,
removing unneeded NICs, or flashing the BIOS with a newer verison- which
brings me to problem 2.

Problem 2:

I don't have a floppy drive.. well I do, but i don't know where it is, and I
don't have any disks anyway, so if I want to flash my BIOS i need to boot
from a CD with the bios jibberish on. As luck would have it, my CDRW
(Samsung SW-408B) has ceased to function. All the cables are connected
properly, I've tried it as Slave and Master on IDE-1 (2Hdd on IDE-0), but
any time I try to access the drive under XP, i get::

It's starting to seem that you need to fully assemble a system, that
until you do, you're going to have problems.

In this fully assembled system, you should install a different
motherboard... Some K7S5A work properly, and others don't... those
that don't, usually don't after a BIOS upgrade either. If yours also
has the potentially defective turquoise G-Luxon capacitors about the
CPU socket, it may die soon anyway... not worth the time or
frustration at this point, I recommend replacing the motherboard then
getting another floppy and CDRW drive.

Paul L

rivan said:
Problem 1:

XP 1800+
2 x 512mb DDR
K7S5A r.1

At the moment I cannot run at 133/133, only 100/100 (which results in my CPU
running at 1150, instead of 1500ish); the former results in a BSOD [STOP].
I've sniffed about the web, and found that this is a common problem with
this board. Some people have suggested that disabling vitual memory,
removing unneeded NICs, or flashing the BIOS with a newer verison- which
brings me to problem 2.

Problem 2:

I don't have a floppy drive.. well I do, but i don't know where it is, and I
don't have any disks anyway, so if I want to flash my BIOS i need to boot
from a CD with the bios jibberish on. As luck would have it, my CDRW
(Samsung SW-408B) has ceased to function. All the cables are connected
properly, I've tried it as Slave and Master on IDE-1 (2Hdd on IDE-0), but
any time I try to access the drive under XP, i get::

F:\ is not accessible

The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

I have tried locating new drivers for the drive, with no luck. I did manage
to find and apply new firmware, but the result is the same. I have recently
applied the new SP for windows XP, so whether thats an issue or not, i have
no idea.

Anyway, if anyone has any advice about any of these matters, please please
let me know.

Thanks in advance,


did you try removing 1 ram stick?

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