Just What Do Those Squiggly Underlines Mean That Word Puts UnderText?


W. Wat son

Yep, that's the question in the Subject. Sometimes it's quite obvious, but
other times ... Wow! Is there some way to have Word what it is objecting to?
Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Most vehicle/deer accidents occur at sunset.
Vehicle deer whistles are ineffective.

Web Page: <home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews>



if you click in the word with the wiggly lines under it and right mouse
click - word generally suggests options (if it's the red spelling one) or
options or an explaination of what it doesn't like (if it's the green ones)
.... blue i believe are formatting ones and i think there's purple ones
floating around too (dim dark memories of a post by Suzanne Barnhill on



Microsoft call them Wavy underlines! Search Word Help for. "What do the
underlines in my document mean?" This will bring up a full list of the
various wavy underlines (which you can change if you are at all colour

: Yep, that's the question in the Subject. Sometimes it's quite obvious, but
: other times ... Wow! Is there some way to have Word what it is objecting
: --
: Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
: (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
: Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet
: Most vehicle/deer accidents occur at sunset.
: Vehicle deer whistles are ineffective.
: Web Page: <home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews>

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