Just a few Questions

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1) i heard a wile ago that a second version of Windows XP
will be released and it will the the true 64bit Windwos.
I know the currect winXP supports 64/32 bit chips such as
Athlon 64FX but its still 32bit. Was Microsoft going to
release this and if so then when?

2) i heard that the SP2 for WinXP was already out.I seen
it in Download section of microsoft.com but i didn't see
it in the Windows Update section. Is the Sp2 still a Bata
and therefore is not in Update section or what?
/some1/ said:
1) I heard a wile ago that a second version of Windows XP
will be released and it will the the true 64bit Windows.
I know the currect winXP supports 64/32 bit chips such as
Athlon 64FX but its still 32bit. Was Microsoft going to
release this and if so then when?

Try a search at http://google.com
2) i heard that the SP2 for WinXP was already out. I saw
it in Download section of microsoft.com but I didn't see
it in the Windows Update section. Is the Sp2 still a Beta
and therefore is not in Update section?

It's not a final release, and is strictly for testing.
1) The current version of XP is 32-bit and is not compatible with 64-bit
chips. The Athlon 64 has a 32-bit mode that allows it to run on the current
version of XP.

2) SP2 is still in beta. The beta has gone public but it's currently only
recommended for developers. In any event, that is why it is not at Windows
Update. Not sure if it will be there when it is released as no distribution
channels have been announced as yet.
some1 said:
1) i heard a wile ago that a second version of Windows XP
will be released and it will the the true 64bit Windwos.
I know the currect winXP supports 64/32 bit chips such as
Athlon 64FX but its still 32bit. Was Microsoft going to
release this and if so then when?

We have already released 2 true 64-bit version of Windows XP, one for Intel
Itanium I and the other for Intel Itanium II or later workstations.

The Windows XP for the originally AMD Extended 64-bit systems is currently
in development and will be released later.
2) i heard that the SP2 for WinXP was already out.I seen
it in Download section of microsoft.com but i didn't see
it in the Windows Update section. Is the Sp2 still a Bata
and therefore is not in Update section or what?

Yes Window XP SP 2 ins still pre release. It is publicly available as
Release Candidate 1. This is beyond a Beta release but still not the final
production release.

Mike Brannigan [Microsoft]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Please note I cannot respond to e-mailed questions, please use these
some1 said:
1) i heard a wile ago that a second version of Windows XP

I heard that the Bush administration has used the military to occupy
another two countries in the last 3 years.

Does the sun ever set on the US Empire?
"Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
2) SP2 is still in beta. The beta has gone public but it's currently only
recommended for developers. In any event, that is why it is not at Windows
Update. Not sure if it will be there when it is released as no distribution
channels have been announced as yet.


While browsing through here I looked in Add/Remove programs and the Registry
(after somebody was asking why they couldn't get SP1 to download) and see
SP2 (for example Windows XP Hotfix SP2 Q327979).

Is this because they are intended to be included in SP2?

Plato said:
I heard that the Bush administration has used the military to occupy
another two countries in the last 3 years.

Does the sun ever set on the US Empire?

1. There was a time, not so very long ago, when, as Big Ben tolled the hour,
somewhere in the world the British Ensign was being raised at dawn. Now,
with every tick of the atomic clock at the National Bureau of Standards, the
Windows logo appears on a computer being booted (often for the fourth time
that day).

2. Invaded? Hah! We destroyed the leader's army, killed his children, ran
the ragged-ass remainder of his family out of the country, and chained his
bearded puss upside down in some dank dungeon. We replaced his currency,
tore down his statues, defaced his posters, killed or imprisoned his
friends, banned his political party, razed his bureaucracy, confiscated his
money, and took over his palaces. We would have shot his dog if he had one.

Then we imposed democracy.