Junk Email filters



Any know why when you have junk email filters on, and you
receive an email with $$$ in it, it is sent to the junk
email folder?

Brian Tillman

BrianJ said:
Any know why when you have junk email filters on, and you
receive an email with $$$ in it, it is sent to the junk
email folder?

Certainly. The Junk Mail filter looks for strings of multiple dollar signs
and flags the message as junk because people don't usually put multiple
dollar signs in genuine mail.


Any way to turn this off?
-----Original Message-----

Certainly. The Junk Mail filter looks for strings of multiple dollar signs
and flags the message as junk because people don't usually put multiple
dollar signs in genuine mail.

Brian Tillman

Any way to turn this off?

You can't adjust what the junk mail filter recognizes, but you can certainly
decide whether ot not to enable the filter. Moreover, in Outlook 2003 (you
don't say what version of Outlook you use), you can adjust how aggressive
the filter is.

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