Junk email filter


Joe Cool

Hi there,

Can someone help me with this problem?

I create a rule to filter junk email with option delete it
turn on.
I added email addresses into a junk email content.
than I ran the rule, it supposed to delete all the email
address that I added in the junk email content.
After ran completed those junk email messages were still
in the inbox.

is this one of the xp glitch?

because I create the same rule on Office 2k was working

thanks in advance.

Joe Cool

Thank Mary, I will let you know by tomorrow!
-----Original Message-----
The rule will run only on new mail when email is received
unless you choose to run it on a particular folder
immediately. You must have skipped a step in the rule
creation. Keep clicking on Next instead of Finish until
you get to the end when it asks to run the rule on
specific folders. It's not a good idea to automatically
delete junk mail. You might want to put it into a Junk
Mail folder before deleting so you can check it and make
sure it's running correctly.

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