Jumping Screen



According my computer manufacturer's tech support, the issue I've been having
with the screen jumping is related to a windows error or virus causing
network to flood.

After several attempts to resolve this issue with some rather simple
troubleshooting, the issues stops then ultimately returns.

It has been recommended that I reinstall Windows, however this options
creates enormous inconvenience.

Note: The problem only occurs when I am online.

Windows XP Media Center

Any ideas of what this might be and ways to permenantly elimated it are



How does the screen jump? Is it only the IE window that jumps?

Try running IE6 with add-ons disabled

Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced (tab) > UNCHECK "Enable
third-party browser extensions" > OK

If it works now, one of your add-ons is causing the problem. Start Internet
Explorer as normal, Tools, Manage Add-ons, Enable or Disable Add-ons.

Disable all the add-ons. Enable third-party browser extensions in Internet

Restart your browser and enable the add-ons one by one till the problem
appears and you get the culprit.

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