jpeg as long binary data



In a database I have there is a table that stores images as long binary data
type. How can I view the images in a form? Do I have to do some kind of
conversion before I can view them? I am stumped by this problem. Any help
(anything at all) is gratefully recieved


Have you tried the Bould Object Frame? This is usually used for Ole Object



That's what i thought but it doesn't work. I've scoured many forums looking
for hints but I'm not having much luck.

Stephen Lebans

The solution depends on how the original Images were inserted. It sounds
like it was simply a direct copy of a disk based Jpeg file into the Binary
field. To display the images, simply copy the contents of the field to a
temp disk file, then load this temp file into the Picture property of the
Image control.

I have posted code for this in the past but mainly for SQL Server solutions.
GoogleGroups search on my name and the relevant keywords to this issue.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thanks Stephen. I have been reading your posts on this from Google and have
a vague idea of what needs to be done. I'm not sure why it was felt that the
pictures had to be put into access but I have to live with what others have

Thanks for your help


When I try to copy the field content to a temp file i get an error saying "copy
isn't available now". How can I copy it to the file?

Stephen Lebans

I specifically instructed you to GoogleGroups search on this issue using my
last name as one of the Keywords. You would have found several threads

From: Stephen Lebans - view profile
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2005 5:25 pm
Email: "Stephen Lebans"
<[email protected]>
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It depends whether the App inserted the data as an OLE object or simply
as data in some format.

Create a form bound to this table. Add a BOUND Object Frame control
bound to the OLE field in question.

Now open the form in Form view. If you can see the data and interact
with it then you have an OLE object.
Otherwise you just have binary data in an unknow format. Perhaps it is
simply an actual copy of a file, say a JPG image, copied in its
entirety. In this case you would simply save off the field data to a
temp disk file. As long as you know the proper file extension for this
data your issue is solved.

FInally, it could simply be a blob of private data used by the App in an
unknow format. Heres some code to copy the contents of the current
record displayed in a Bound Object Frame control to a disk file. If this
temp file contains Text only then you can view it in Wordpad etc. If it
is a mixture of data types then you will need a HEX editor to view the
data. There are many freeware/shareware HEX editors on the Web.

Just add a CommandButton control to the form you created as per the
above instructions.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSave_Click

Dim a() As Byte
Dim lTemp As Long
Dim sl As String

lTemp = LenB(Me.olePicture.Value)
ReDim a(0 To lTemp) ' should be -1

' Copy the contents of the OLE field to our byte array
a = Me.olePicture.Value

sl = "OLEfieldTest" & ".dat"
Open sl For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , a
Close #1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSave_Click

End Sub


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

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