joystick un calibratible and spikes



has anybody been there had that..I am unable to get full
r.h.side movement tried different games and different
joysticks so it is somewhere else..tried locitech
calibration clear..reinstalled wingman profiler...
updated nvidia trying dx 9.0b update
system is 2.6 athalon, 512mram, gforce4 ti 4200 ..100ghd


-----Original Message-----
has anybody been there had that..I am unable to get full
r.h.side movement tried different games and different
joysticks so it is somewhere else..tried locitech
calibration clear..reinstalled wingman profiler...
updated nvidia trying dx 9.0b update
system is 2.6 athalon, 512mram, gforce4 ti 4200 ..100ghd
note this is not a problem with either games or joystick
as I have tried several of each ..nev

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