javascript messagebox help


Mike Fellows

ive read a few tutorials, but i cant get my head round it,
all i need is a messagebox that displays "update" "new"

on update i want it to update a record, on new i want it to create a new

how do a) create the messagebox
then b) interprate the click

i understand i need to do this in javascript, all the tutorials ive read are
overlly complicated

just needs simple code

if button = update then update
if button =new then createnew



Eliyahu Goldin

There is no preset message box with buttons you want. You need to make an
html dialog with these 2 buttons, call it up from you client code, get the
return value telling you what button was clicked and pass this value to the
server site. There is nothing complex in it if you already know how to make
every single step and how to tie the things together. If you don't, you will
either have to learn or to give up the whole idea.


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