javascript function not executing...


Gary Varga

Are you getting confused between client and server?

Should it be:
Source Error:

Line 39:
Line 40: <DIV ID=divOverview
Line 41: STYLE=CustomHeightedStyle()
Line 42: align=center ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
Line 43:


-----Original Message-----
I'm trying to set the height of a DIV through the style, by using the frame
(orderscontrol) height and subtracting a buffer space used for some buttons
but the function in the script tags doesn't even run. I get the error...


Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required
to service this request. Please review the following specific error details
and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30451:
Name 'CustomHeightedStyle' is not declared.

\(Liquid\) Daniel Bass

doesn't it have to be client side since i want to get the containment
frame's height, then apply that to a DIV attribute?

Gary Varga


That is why I removed the <%= %> from around the CLIENT
side function as it does not exist on the SERVER yet the
<% %> surrounds SERVER code.

(I used capitals as emphasis - not slight is intended).


\(Liquid\) Daniel Bass

This ain't working...
I'll scrap the javascript idea.
All I want to do is have a control, header section across the top of a page,
then a DIV beneath it so that the control doesn't scroll, but the DIV in the
rest of the body does. In other words, simulating frame behaviour with a top
banner/control static section and scrollable view beneath it with DIV tags.
The problem is DIV doesn't automattically take up the remaining space so the
idea behind my javascript was have something like

the height of the DIV element = the height of the frame - the height of
my control panel

is there another way around this? I goto the help section in the style sheet
say, and the help page does what i want to do, so i look at the source there
and it also uses DIV's, but I can't replicate the behaviour...

thanks again.

Kevin Spencer

If you set your div to runat server, you can control all attributes and
styles in it programmatically. I believe that will give you all the control
you need from the server side.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

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