JavaScript Confirm msgbox...




I would like to ask something to user after user submits the form...
I know I can ask user whehter they want to submit the form or not using
client-script code such as onClick or onSubmit by adding into attributes

My problem is a little bit different than that...
I would like to ask user something after submission is done

Suppose that this is the behind code when user clicks the submit button...

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Form data will be saved into database...
//At this point, I would like to ask user
// if(confirm('Do you want to process more?') == true) {
// redirect to specific page with QueryParameters
// }
// else
// {
// redirect to main page..
// }


Any idea?


John MacIntyre

TJ said:
Hi, [snip]
My problem is a little bit different than that...
I would like to ask user something after submission is done

Suppose that this is the behind code when user clicks the submit button...

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Form data will be saved into database...
//At this point, I would like to ask user
// if(confirm('Do you want to process more?') == true) {
// redirect to specific page with QueryParameters
// }
// else
// {
// redirect to main page..
// }

IMHO-Create a new page for the 'Do you want to process more?' question.
Then redirect from there.


This is one method..

Create a javascript funtion as below (please note - Syntax is wrong. .this
is psudo code)
function Confirm(var QueryParameters)
if(window.confirm("'Do you want to process more?"))
//javascript code to redirect to specific page with QueryParameters

//javascript code to redirect to main page

in code behind after //Form data will be saved into database...

string QueryParameters = //construct query params here
Page.RegisterStartupScript("somename","<script>Confirm(' " + QueryParameters
+ " ') </script>")

When the code behind done with execution, it will emit a javascript to call
the javascript function "Confirm"

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