


In a new computer using Windows Media Center Edition I seem to have fallen
foul of a Java bug - my temp file gets filled up with jar_cachexxxxx.tmp
files which will not be deleted. This is a known bug on Google. This
computer came with Sun Java installed, not Microsoft and maybe that has
something to do with it. Any experience of this would be appreciated.


Dr_No said:
In a new computer using Windows Media Center Edition I seem to have fallen
foul of a Java bug - my temp file gets filled up with jar_cachexxxxx.tmp
files which will not be deleted. This is a known bug on Google. This
computer came with Sun Java installed, not Microsoft and maybe that has
something to do with it. Any experience of this would be appreciated.

Download Crap Cleaner, which will get rid of the Java
temp files. Either use Crap Cleaner or open your Java console and empty
the temp files. You should also disable system restore, reboot, and
enable it again.

Then, if you haven't got the latest version of Java, get it.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Alias~- said:
Download Crap Cleaner, which will get rid of the Java
temp files. Either use Crap Cleaner or open your Java console and empty
the temp files. You should also disable system restore, reboot, and enable
it again.

Then, if you haven't got the latest version of Java, get it.


Getting the latest version isn't enough. Uninstall any version before

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Reply in newsgroup
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve
neither liberty or security"


The jar_cache problem went away after I uninstalled HP Toolbox, software
that came with my HP LaserJet 1320. There is still one file that always
appears in my temp directory and will not be deleted - it's called
tmp00000000 and there's plenty about it on Google, but no definite info.

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