J++ to c#



I am using JLCA 3.0 to convert a J++ project to c# project. I am using some
wfc classes in the project. After converting the code, the code looks like

//UPGRADE_TODO: The package 'com.ms.wfc.app' could not be found. If it was
not included in the conversion, there may be compiler issues.
using com.ms.wfc.app;
//UPGRADE_TODO: The package 'com.ms.wfc.core' could not be found. If it was
not included in the conversion, there may be compiler issues.
using com.ms.wfc.core;
//UPGRADE_TODO: The package 'com.ms.wfc.ui' could not be found. If it was
not included in the conversion, there may be compiler issues.
using com.ms.wfc.ui;
//UPGRADE_TODO: The type 'com.ms.wfc.util.List' could not be found. If it
was not included in the conversion, there may be compiler issues.
using List = com.ms.wfc.util.List;

When i compile i get the following error,

The type or namespace name 'ms' does not exist in the namespace 'com' (are
you missing an assembly reference?)

Does c# support wfc classes? if so, do we have to add the reference?

- gj

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