I've set-up FrontPage forms, How do I connect the submitted result



I've set-up FrontPage forms, How do I connect the submitted results to a

Does the database have to be MSAccess?

Is there anyway to connect to a database if my site is hosted on a UNIX

Would someone like to show me how to do this? Walk me through it?

Can someone provide consulting to me, in this area (databases) for a
reasonable price?

Thank you.

Rick Budde

Two suggestions:

1. type "database" in the search section of Help, and/or
2. pick up a book on your version of Front Page. Jim
Buyens, who contributes to this forum, has written a good
one ... Microsoft Front Page Inside Out.


MS Access will not run on a Unix server.
Unix servers generally use mySQL for database functionality. The most
common scripting language used to connect and manipulate mySQL databases is
PHP, whereas FrontPage uses VBscript in asp pages. For Unix, you will need
a host that supports iASP or chilli$oft to provide that asp support. Such
hosts, while not rare, are not common.

If you have such a host, then you *may* be able to use the FrontPage
database wizards, but you can definitely use FP to build custom asp pages in
conjunction with a mySQL database.

You could also learn PHP and build pages in FrontPage.

IMHO, you will be better off changing to a Windows host that will provide
all the functionality needed for FrontPage and database operations.


Andrew Murray

This may not be quite what you want (may be too simple for your requirements) but
try this site.

http://www.ezscripting.co.uk offers scripts for adding records, editing/deleting,
and searching/displaying plus a script for one record to be edited (requires
users to "sign-on" type thing to edit *their* record.

the scripts use flatfile databases, cgi/perl scripts for Unix servers.

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