I've lost the Desktop display properties


John O'Boyle

I've just upgraded a system from Win98 to WinXP Pro. I've run onto
several problems, most of which I'm certain are caused by yours truly
and I'll work them out as I'm able. ONE miscue that I CAN'T comprehend
is that I've lost the "Desktop" tab in "Display Properties", and I've no
idea either HOW I did it nor how to fix it. Has anyone a clue?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.



Can we assume you didnt Zero you HD before you installed XP Pro ? If you
installed it right over top of 98 then i suggest you take a hammer to your
hard drive. It will cause you less problems then installing over top of 98.

As for the Desktop tab not being there. I have not a clue. the only thing I
can think of from your post is that you had installed XP over 98 and it
corrupted itself as usual.


Check your registry.
Run regedit and navigate to the following key.


In the right hand pane look for ClassicShell.
Right click on it and select Modify.
Set the value data to 0 instead of 1.

If you're running XP Pro, you can take a look at the local group
policy and see if Classic Shell has been enabled there.


Ken Blake

SubSeven said:
Can we assume you didnt Zero you HD before you installed XP Pro
? If
you installed it right over top of 98 then i suggest you take a
hammer to your hard drive. It will cause you less problems then
installing over top of 98.

Nonsense! Unlike with previous versions of Windows, an upgrade to
XP replaces almost everything, and usually works very well.

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