iTunes stopped wroking


jim cross

I just got hit with the same problem and have tried to uninstall/reinstall with no luck. I can't uninstall Quicktime. I just keep getting fatal error message. Did you ever find a solution?

EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice


Before you can do a clean install of iTunes/Quicktime, you have to completely
remove all remnants of Apple programs from your system, including iTunes,
Quicktime, Apple Software Updater, and Apple Mobile Device Support. Vista
Uninstall is inadequate to do this, and leaves a lot of install/uninstall
debris on your system that blocks normal install processes. You can remove
this debris manually with the help of Windows Installer Cleanup Utility, or
better yet, you can use Smarty Uninstaller to seek out and remove all broken
program remnants from files, folders, and registry. Details in this tutorial.

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