Here is my issue...
Each song I import from my cd's is put into its respective folder in itunes.
That folder is usually the album name of the cd I just imported. It can be
very frustrating importing greatest hits cd's as itunes likes to sometimes
create a folder called "compilations " for these as opposed to the name of
the artist. So you could, for example, have Queens Greatest Hits in the
compilations folder and Classic Queen in the Queen folder. Both are "hits"
albums by the same artist but itunes isn't recognizing this fact...love my
ipod...hate itunes and its over indulgent logic. So now when I move the
folder into its proper location (the Queen folder in the above example),
itunes loses track of it and it can't be played from the library. It shows
the dreaded exclamation mark beside the missing songs. I then have to
manually locate each song, one at a time. My question is how do I make
itunes see the new location without doing it one song at a time? Is there a
batch method of doing this?
Each song I import from my cd's is put into its respective folder in itunes.
That folder is usually the album name of the cd I just imported. It can be
very frustrating importing greatest hits cd's as itunes likes to sometimes
create a folder called "compilations " for these as opposed to the name of
the artist. So you could, for example, have Queens Greatest Hits in the
compilations folder and Classic Queen in the Queen folder. Both are "hits"
albums by the same artist but itunes isn't recognizing this fact...love my
ipod...hate itunes and its over indulgent logic. So now when I move the
folder into its proper location (the Queen folder in the above example),
itunes loses track of it and it can't be played from the library. It shows
the dreaded exclamation mark beside the missing songs. I then have to
manually locate each song, one at a time. My question is how do I make
itunes see the new location without doing it one song at a time? Is there a
batch method of doing this?