


I would like a running total to be updated in one cell based on that cells
total plus a number added from a different cell. Setting up the iterations
per the excel help I was able to accomplish this for one cell. Using the
same formula in any other cells in my spreadsheet changes the numbers in all
the cells. What do I need to do to make this work? ie. in cell e20 the
function is =sum(e3+e20). Alone this works, when I use the function for
other sales people in the same worksheet the numbers all change.


The only way to accomplish this would be to set Calculations to 'manual'.
Then, use F9 to update the calculations when needed. You would need to
zero-out all the cells that you weren't using before hitting F9 though. For

Say you want to add the contents of cell F3 to F20. You would enter your
value into F3, then make sure E3 contains 0. Then hit F9.

Warning: If you open a different Spreadsheet that has Calculations set to
Automatic before opening this one, the Automatic setting will carry over to
this one as well. And vice-versa, if you open this one first, the Manual
setting will carry over to the next one you open.

I'm inclined to think there may be a better way to do whatever you're doing,
perhaps with macros, but without knowing more, I can't really suggest
anything. But, if the Iterations work for you, then great.


Gord Dibben

Are you sure you want to do this?

Think about it after reading the following.

You can have a cumulative total in a cell if you have a
separate source cell for adding a new total to the original.

Use at your own risk. I am Posting this just to show you how it can
be done, not as a good solution. You would be much better off to
have another column so you can keep track of past entries.

Goes like this: =IF(CELL("address")="$C$4",C4+D4,D4)

Enter this in cell D4 and then in Tools>Options>Calculation check
Iterations and set to 1.

Now when you change the number in C4, D4 will accumulate.

Note 1. If C4 is selected and a calculation takes place anywhere in
the Application D4 will update even if no new number is entered in

Note 2. This operation is not recommended because you will have no
"paper trail" to follow. Any mistake in entering a new number in C4
cannot be corrected. NOT GOOD.

To clear out the accumulated total in D4 and start over, select D4
and Edit>Enter.

Check out Laurent Longre's MoreFunc.xla. Has a Function RECALL
which does what you want without the re-calculation problem, but
again there is no "paper trail" for back-checking in case of errors
in data input.

Also see John McGimpsey's site for VBA method and the same caveats as above.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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