Iterating through Outlook users (Exchange5.5 vs Exchange2K)


Albert Silliman

I am using VBScript to iterate through Exchange mail users
and access each user's contacts via MAPI using the
following code:

//logged on as Exchange Administrator
Set ol = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application")
Set ns = ol.GetNameSpace ("MAPI")
// for each user get Contacts folder
Set contacts = ns.GetSharedDefaultFolder (myRecipient, 10)
// read contacts, etc.

The above code works against Exchange 5.5 but NOT against
Exchange 2K. If anyone has any ideas what needs to be
done differently in Win 2K, I would be very grateful for
your help.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

I believe this issue is this: Just because you're the Exchange administrator doesn't mean you have access to users' mailboxes. That's a change in Exchange 2000. You'll need to use an account that does have the necessary permission on the mailboxes or grant such to your admin account.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
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